Creative blooms- from our flowering brains to you
We are so excited to share some creative thoughts, recipes, DIY guides and art, all centered around our loved craft- gardening
We hope you enjoy the content flowing from our brains in bloom.
A note about hibiscus: The part of the flower you harvest is the calyx (the pod that supports the flower, and connects it to the stem)- wait until the calyx turns red and the flowers begin to fade. Clip the flower off and remove the petals from the calyx. Dry the calyces instead of the petals! When they are dry, remove the seeds from the inside of the calyx.
A note about violas/ pansies: For a more flavorful tea, seep fresh viola/ pansy petals into hot water.
A note about roses: You can also seep fresh rose petals for a different tea experience. Chew on the soft, velvety petals for more texture!